At Intent Design it is all about heart and passion coming together
in an iterative process.
The Collective
At ID, we take the team approach to all of our projects. No different than your own successful collaborations, it is understood that we are just one piece of a huge puzzle. The collective includes your vision, our professional design and a collective of talent, from interior designers to landscapers and contractors. Without the collective, we would not be able to function at our highest level as a firm.
In 2016 Willie Tarver III laid the foundation of Intent Design. The firm was created based on the unfulfilled needs of the architectural design market and demand for high-end residences. From our inception, Intent Design grew quite quickly in the high-end residential market in Atlanta. Our growth has come from our desire to give clients not just great design but also a dedication to above and beyond customer service. In doing so, we have created a team collective that allows us to connect with clients in different regions across the country.
It is all about the iterative process at Intent Design.
We combine every ounce of our professional expertise with the client’s expression of their heart’s desires through a series of sketching, design documents, and 3D modeling. This tried and true process which marries heart and passion, helps our clients arrive home safe and sound.
Our goal is to develop an intimate understanding of clients’ interests and desires; which creates a level of collaboration and comfort at every step. Serving us and our clients well over the years, our company framework can be applied to all housing styles, from traditional, to modern and everything in between.
Intent Design designs home for individuals, investors, developers, and general contractors. We also provide other services, such as construction administration, and property assessment and evaluations. We work directly with our design consultants to coordinate every aspect of your project. Our in-field construction experience allows the project to maintain at a high level while offering you a pristine finish.

Willie Tarver III
Willie is an Atlanta native who started in the architecture and design industry at 18 years old. He has over 17 years of residential and commercial design experience and excelled quickly moving through the ranks at a reputable commercial architecture firm. At the young age of 20, Willie found his true passion within the industry, residential design. After gaining experience with several high-end residential firms, Intent Design was launched and is now a thriving and flourishing competitive business in the industry. His skillset, knowledge and passion grows stronger every day, driving him to provide fresh and innovative design ideas to his impressive clientele.
From Here To There
Have you always wanted to start your own design firm?

Yes, I have always wanted to start my own design firm, but I thought it was something that you did in your 50s or 60s. Every person that I had seen and admired at that point was in that age bracket. So when I was 20 or 21, I discovered that I could actually start my own design firm. And that is exactly what I did.
Why the name Intent Design

There are two big reasons for this name. The first specifically comes from my experience in the architecture and design profession. Coming up in other firms, I would see that the intent behind a certain design was not there. There wasn’t any type of care or purpose behind what the architect was doing. So when I created my firm, I wanted it to be known that we create with a purpose. When we design a home, there is an extreme amount of intent behind what we do.
The second reason has to deal with legacy. People ask me all the time why didn’t I name my company my own name, and there is a simple answer to that. I want my company to last through the ages, so whoever my predecessor may be, I want them to feel just as connected to the name of the company. For these reasons, the name Intent Design was birthed.
What do you want your legacy to be?

That I helped many young designers understand the world of architecture. That I created a space for growth and development. That I challenged the youth to think grander and become greater than I was. I want my legacy to be that all of the people who came after me were able to stand on my shoulders and accomplish something that I could not.
What is your impact in the design world?

That I helped to create a generation of young designers that will leave their impact on the world.